Saturday, September 13, 2014

Working Out, Halloween, Puppies

I stink at working out. I just walked about 3/4 of a mile in less than 15 minutes. I did an intense Jillian Michaels workout. And for lunch I had..... I don't want to say it.... pancakes. Ugg. Not very healthy or low in calories. This evening I'm going to walk again. That should burn off those pancakes.

Why is it Fall? I love to bake when it's cold. Baking and working out don't fit together very well. And there's Thanksgiving, my Birthday, Christmas, etc. coming up soon.

I didn't mention Halloween because we don't celebrate it. We never have. It's dumb. It's getting worse and worse every year. We drove by a house last year and there was a table in the yard. It had chopped up body parts and glasses of blood on it (fake of course). In the window was a sign; Child Care. Yeah right! I would never step foot in those wacky peoples house.

What's the point in celebrating death and fear? People put fake headstones in their yard. My Grandpa Don died a few years ago. It's wasn't fun and totally awesome enough to be made into a holiday. Death isn't a celebration. At least not in that way. For a Christian death is meeting God and being reunited with loved ones but that's another post for another time. I'm not trying to offend anybody who celebrates Halloween. That's just my opinion.

Every time it gets cold I start wanting another dog. Bobo, Taylors Service Dog isn't really for us to play with. I want a puppy to romp around in the snow with. I look on Craigslist every day but no free puppies. Dad doesn't want one so our only hope is to find a free one. It would have to be outside though, we rent and our Landlady won't let us have inside pets. Bobo is allowed anywhere. Later I will have to tell you about our zoo trip with Bobo. I will tell you one thing. It involves lions and a lot of fear!

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree!! Halloween is sick.And people who put pretend dead people in there yards are sick to.
