Sunday, December 14, 2014

Random 5 ~ December 14

I haven't done this one in a while. I'm not going to commit to doing it right now. I get too busy. I will do it when I can though. Even if it's a bit late like today.

1. I am going to start reading as many books as I can and posting reviews on here. I already have one. I have more on the way!

2. I have a very short wish list this year. A karaoke machine, clothes/shoes, and a cell phone. See, really short. Not very cheap though.

3. My laptop is broken. The battery won't charge. It has to be plugged in to turn on. As soon as it is unplugged it turns off. No warning just bang. It's off. *sad face*

4. 11 days until Christmas! I can't wait! (I guess I probably should have put this under or with #2. Haha)

5. I love sci-fi. It's hard to find clean sci-fi, but there are a few I know of. Bill Myers (at least so far) and Bryan Davis. I love Bryan Davis. I'm not sure about Bill Myers yet. I've only read one of his books.

Hope you enjoyed! Maybe a little boring but better than nothing.

Writing Prompt #6

If someone discovered a formula that would enable us to live forever, would that be a blessing or a curse? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 

Eternal Life . . . Will there ever be such a thing? Is there such a thing now? Is it/will it be here on Earth or somewhere else?

My answer is a very firm yes! Eternal life in Heaven is very real.

So what is someone found a way to live forever with a simple pill or injection? Would it be a curse or a blessing?


God is the only way to eternal life. If we found our own way to have eternal life why would we even need God? If we didn't even need or want God would he have even bothered creating us? Would he wipe us out? Then where would we be? 

Yes. Death is sad. Death hurts. We miss those we have lost and we don't want to leave ourselves. But that is the way it works. That is the price we have to pay for our sin. But if you are a Christian you do have comfort, you don't have to worry about death. It is just a door to a better place. It's like an upgrade! A REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, BIG one!

The Society Book Review

Title: The Society: Forbidden Doors Book #1
Author: Bill Myers
Number Of Pages: 150

Summary: When both Rebecca and Scott encounter kids using dangerous witchcraft they don't know what to do. When they lived in Brazil they heard of witchdoctors using the same witchcraft to control and hurt people. Do they risk their sudden popularity and tell their friends about the danger or forget about it, everything will work out fine?

Spiritual Content: Children are involved in various types of dangerous witchcraft throughout the book. During one point in the book a girl is over run by a demon. The same girl and several other kids are seen several times playing with an Ouija Board.

For these reasons parents may want to read this book before/with younger children

Sexual Content: Rebecca has a “crush” on a boy at school. In one part she thinks that is is absolutely AMAZING. That part is overboard but there are no sinful actions (kissing, touching, etc.).

My Thoughts: I thought this book was very well written and interesting. I had one issue though. I found a few things Biblicly inaccurate. For example; when the girl is being overrun by a demon Scott orders it to “Leave, in the name of Jesus Christ”, and it does. I feel like that part of the story was a little overboard. Simply commanding something “In The Name of Jesus Christ” doesn't mean you have power to remove evil. At least not like that.

Rating: 5/6

Note: I would like to note a few things from the Authors Note found in the back of The Society (The Society; Forbidden Doors. Bill Myers. Pg. 149) ;

As I continue writing this series, I have two equal and opposing concerns. First, I don't want the reader to be too frightened of the devil. Compared to Jesus Christ, Satan is a wimp. The two aren't even in the same league. Although the supernatural evil in these books are based on a certain amount of fact, it's important to understand the awesome protection Jesus Christ offers to all those who have committed their lives to him.

This brings me to my second concern: Although the powers of darkness are nothing compared to the power of Jesus Christ and the authority he has given his followers, spiritual warfare is not something we casually stroll into. The situations in these novels are extreme to create suspense and drama. But if you should find yourself involved in something even vaguely similar, don't confront it alone. Find an older, more mature Christian (such as a parent, pastor, or youth leader) to talk to. . .

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sorry for the change!

Yes, this is still A Little Spot to Write...


 For some reason the old layout keeps messing up on me. When things aren't just right it drives me crazy! *winking thumbs up*

Sorry this is such a short post, I thought I should note the change. *another winking thumbs up*

Writing Prompt #5

Today's top professional athletes often have salaries and bonuses in tens of millions of dollars. Do you think these athletes deserve such high compensation? Why or why not? Explain your position and examples to support your answer.

There are men that risk their lives every day. Not only that but they put their families in danger too. What thanks do we give them? Not much more than than minimum wage.

At the same time men get paid millions and millions of dollars to chase a ball around. Hmmmm...

Why are men paid so much to chase a ball around while other men risk their own life for almost minimum wage!?

Let's think about this...

Which is harder? Signing worthless pieces of paper or missing Christmas with your family? Which is harder? Never getting any privacy or never seeing your son, brother, or husband again? Which is harder? Gearing up for a game or gathering guns and ammunition for war?

Our military men do deserve more but on the other hand I do think that athletes should be paid decent salaries. They do have great talent. They work hard.

I think that military men should be paid a lot more and athletes a lot less. Both deserve a decent amount.