Things have been crazy here on the Huppstead! I feel bad calling our "homestead" Huppstead since we currently don't even have a homestead right now :( All of our chickens got sick so... ehem.... I will spare you the details about that. We also thought our rabbits were sick so we got rid of them. Turns out they were actually fine..... yeah....
So on a happy note we are getting rabbits again! I must say, I can't wait! The auction we go to is really fun! Bidding on rabbits is a TOTAL BLAST! Can you tell I love it? Just in case you missed it, I LOVE IT!
We have new kittens! Four of them. They are two weeks old. Some of them only have one eye open. They look like pirates!
Bobo has had 5 seizures in about a month.... We took him to the vet and they gave him some medicine. We are trying to find a more natural approach. If you know any good ol' home remedies please let me know! :)
My aunt, uncle, and their little boy are coming home from Germany TOMORROW! They have been gone for three years. I cant wait to see them!
My other aunt found out she is having a baby! I have a hunch it will be a girl. I don't know why but I sure hope I'm right. I want a wee wittle baby girl cousin!
We babysat Hunter and Haley (my cousins... boy, there are lots of 'em!) last weekend. They are both so sweet! I could, and did, just squeeze them! :)
The weather has been beautiful the last two weeks! We have gone fishing twice. Once me, mom, the other kids, and my grandpa. The other time us and Dad. I love fishing!
Well, I guess that pretty much sums up the last month or two. Enjoy some random pictures (mostly selfies ;)) below that were taken throughout the month and Have A Good Day!
The wittle itty bitty kitten!
I LOVE my muck boots!
And another selfie!
Yet another selfie!
And the last one! :)