Linkups. How fun!? Especially if your mom hosts it :)
So here are 5 random things about me or that have happened to me.
1. I've read 3 books so far! Only 96 to go ;)
2. School is going really good this year. I'm really enjoying biology!
3. I'm currently watching my favorite movie, Monsters Inc.! We are babysitting my 1 year old cousin and he didn't want to watch it so I am ;D
4. Speaking of my cousin.... he is already almost 1! I can't believe it! We babysit him every other weekend. I love it!
5. I can't wait for spring! Warm weather is my favorite. Gardens, fishing, hiking, swimming, getting new farmish animals, I love it all!
If you want to read my mom's list or link up this is her blog